Via Aliprandi, 69, 20851 Lissone MB | +39 348 834 1380
Via Aliprandi, 69, 20851 Lissone MB
După o lungă experiență în lumea sportului de performanță (staff medical la Pinetina di Appiano Gentile și ATP de tenis) și în lumea sanitară privată, am înțeles că „status quo”-ul acestor realități putea fi îmbunătățit punând pacientul în centrul unui parcurs care să-l urmeze la 360°.
+39 348 834 1380
+39 348 834 1380
Pediatric Osteopathy
@ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Flazio Experience
@ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Flazio Experience
Osteopathic manipulative treatment is suitable for people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, including pregnant women.
During pregnancy, the sessions allow the mother to be in the best conditions for a birth as physiological as possible, while at the same time alleviating typical period disorders such as low back pain and neck pain. The osteopathic visit in preparation for childbirth is useful for aligning the iliac bones to effectively direct the endoabdominal and uterine forces at the time of labor.
But even after the event, it is appropriate to continue the sessions to regain normal somatic functionality.
Pediatric osteopathy is ideal for both full-term and premature babies, to stimulate the neuropsychomotor system through a gentle and non-invasive manipulative touch, also addressing post-birth cranial remodeling.
Osteopathy is advisable during the child's development to prevent or treat somatic dysfunctions such as scoliosis, dental malocclusions, neurovegetative disorders, incorrect postures, migraines, and strabismus.
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