Via Aliprandi, 69, 20851 Lissone MB | +39 348 834 1380
Via Aliprandi, 69, 20851 Lissone MB
După o lungă experiență în lumea sportului de performanță (staff medical la Pinetina di Appiano Gentile și ATP de tenis) și în lumea sanitară privată, am înțeles că „status quo”-ul acestor realități putea fi îmbunătățit punând pacientul în centrul unui parcurs care să-l urmeze la 360°.
+39 348 834 1380
+39 348 834 1380
@ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Flazio Experience
@ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Flazio Experience
Training Courses
In-Person Courses
At ISOM, we believe that access to quality education should be flexible and customizable. We offer a wide range of participation options to ensure that every student can shape their own educational path.
On-Demand Courses
For those who wish to learn at their own pace, we offer a vast library of on-demand courses in osteopathy.
This flexible option allows students to access educational materials when it is most convenient for them, still ensuring a complete and in-depth educational experience.
Request information about our courses
Send us a request and we will respond as soon as possible, it's without obligation!